Thank you note to teachers [template!]

April 11, 2022

Good teachers are leaving the classroom in droves. They’re overworked and underpaid, and the pandemic has caused them to make a change.

I know. I’m one of them.

But my people are still out there doing this important work. Why? They care about our kids.

And we need them to stay. Because what’s really happening in classrooms, on a regular Tuesday during 5th period, is changing— or saving— kids’ lives. ⁣⁣

This is why our teachers need to be encouraged. To be told, just as blatantly as the negative headlines, that we see them and appreciate them. ⁣⁣

Need an idea of what to say? Check out the note below. Borrow a few lines, take it as your own, or rewrite a version that fits you. ⁣⁣

Email them today! Let’s fill their inboxes with the kind of content that makes them want to keep going, despite all the odds. ♥️⁣⁣

Thank you note to teachers:

Hi ________,

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all you’re doing for our son. 

I know it’s hard to teach in a mask all day, to try and project the same emotion and compassion to the kids you care about so much. 

I know you’re also a [mom/dad/grandparent/son/daughter] who cares for her own [kids/grandkids/parents] outside of the 24 1st graders you’ve been charged with this year.

I know that our kids aren’t perfect and while we think they’re amazing, they probably also test your patience on a daily basis.

I know that you’re doing the uncomfortable and lonely work of teaching our kids how to be kind, empathetic, and understanding so that they become grown adults people want to hire and be around. That’s no small task and you do it every day, in small and big ways.

Thank you for serving our kids, for dreaming up new ways for them to learn the content. Thank you for dressing up on spirit days when you’re tired, and for fielding our emails when we’re worried.

We see your hard work and are immensely grateful!

Cheers to spring break being just around the corner.

Thank you!

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hey, i'm corrie!

I help people-driven companies, large and small, connect with their kind of people with brand voice strategy + personalized copy. A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, I love getting to champion the best version of your brand. 

Good teachers are leaving the classroom in droves. They’re overworked and underpaid, and the pandemic has caused them to make a change.

I know. I’m one of them.

But my people are still out there doing this important work. Why? They care about our kids.

And we need them to stay. Because what’s really happening in classrooms, on a regular Tuesday during 5th period, is changing— or saving— kids’ lives. ⁣⁣

This is why our teachers need to be encouraged. To be told, just as blatantly as the negative headlines, that we see them and appreciate them. ⁣⁣

Need an idea of what to say? Check out the note below. Borrow a few lines, take it as your own, or rewrite a version that fits you. ⁣⁣

Email them today! Let’s fill their inboxes with the kind of content that makes them want to keep going, despite all the odds. ♥️⁣⁣

Thank you note to teachers:

Hi ________,

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all you’re doing for our son. 

I know it’s hard to teach in a mask all day, to try and project the same emotion and compassion to the kids you care about so much. 

I know you’re also a [mom/dad/grandparent/son/daughter] who cares for her own [kids/grandkids/parents] outside of the 24 1st graders you’ve been charged with this year.

I know that our kids aren’t perfect and while we think they’re amazing, they probably also test your patience on a daily basis.

I know that you’re doing the uncomfortable and lonely work of teaching our kids how to be kind, empathetic, and understanding so that they become grown adults people want to hire and be around. That’s no small task and you do it every day, in small and big ways.

Thank you for serving our kids, for dreaming up new ways for them to learn the content. Thank you for dressing up on spirit days when you’re tired, and for fielding our emails when we’re worried.

We see your hard work and are immensely grateful!

Cheers to spring break being just around the corner.

Thank you!

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hey, i'm corrie!

I help people-driven companies, large and small, connect with their kind of people with brand voice strategy + personalized copy. A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, I love getting to champion the best version of your brand. 

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