7 Writing Tips for When You’re Stuck

September 6, 2023

Listen, writing is hard.

For everyone.

Yes, even experienced copywriters and best-selling authors.

There are great writing courses and copywriting courses out there. But sometimes, you need a quick fix.

You’re in luck, friend.

Here are 7 quick fixes to get you unstuck in your writing. 

  1. Start a messy first draft

    The enemy of creativity is a blank page. So, listen to sage advice from writer Anne Lamott: sit down and churn out that rough first draft. Stop staring at the cursor and start typing—anything is better than nothing.

  2. Embrace the Imperfection of Your First Draft

    As you write that initial draft, utter this mantra: “This is the worst set of words ever written, and that’s perfectly okay.” Embrace the messiness. It frees you from the tyranny of perfectionism and allows your creativity to flourish. You can always polish it later.

  3. Harness the Power of Otter AI for Brainstorming

    Struggling with converting thoughts to text? Use Otter AI to record your musings in a conversational style. You can then skim the transcript to cherry-pick your best ideas and phrases.

  4. Use ChatGPT for a Solid Starting Point

    When starting from scratch feels daunting, let ChatGPT assist you in drafting an initial version. It’s a game-changer, providing you with a solid base to revise and improve.

  5. Use the comment function on Google Docs

    Got a sentence or a paragraph that’s a bit off but don’t have time to edit now? Use Google Docs’ comment feature to leave yourself a note: “Fix this when I’m more awake and brilliant.” It’s a pragmatic way to remind yourself to come back for revisions.

    This will train your brain to trust that it’s okay to have something not be perfect right away—and serve as a practical reminder to come back and make the revision once you have clarity of mind. (And more sleep.)

  6. Change the location. 

    Seriously! Writing— whether an email, social caption, or an actual book— is creative work that is often done in one position: sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Get up and move your body to get the creative juices flowing, and find a new location that inspires you. This could be a coffee shop, a quiet office, or even on the floor of your bathroom. (Been there, done that!)

  7. Read something by a really good writer

    Pick up a book or read an article by a writer you admire. Watch your favorite comedian and take notes on their craft. This process helps jostle your brain in the right way — without comparison fatigue. I have a few authors I always refer back to as my North Star — they are writers whose values and style match the ones I have and want to emulate. For me, it’s Kelly Corrigan, Seth Godin, and Brene Brown. For you, it could be a coach in your space or a comedian you love.

Because your email list isn’t going to wait until you get the mojo to write, and your audience has plenty of other choices when it comes to your product or service.

Let’s make sure they hear from you. 

Clear eyes, crappy first draft, can’t lose. ⁠


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hey, i'm corrie!

I help people-driven companies, large and small, connect with their kind of people with brand voice strategy + personalized copy. A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, I love getting to champion the best version of your brand. 

Listen, writing is hard.

For everyone.

Yes, even experienced copywriters and best-selling authors.

There are great writing courses and copywriting courses out there. But sometimes, you need a quick fix.

You’re in luck, friend.

Here are 7 quick fixes to get you unstuck in your writing. 

  1. Start a messy first draft

    The enemy of creativity is a blank page. So, listen to sage advice from writer Anne Lamott: sit down and churn out that rough first draft. Stop staring at the cursor and start typing—anything is better than nothing.

  2. Embrace the Imperfection of Your First Draft

    As you write that initial draft, utter this mantra: “This is the worst set of words ever written, and that’s perfectly okay.” Embrace the messiness. It frees you from the tyranny of perfectionism and allows your creativity to flourish. You can always polish it later.

  3. Harness the Power of Otter AI for Brainstorming

    Struggling with converting thoughts to text? Use Otter AI to record your musings in a conversational style. You can then skim the transcript to cherry-pick your best ideas and phrases.

  4. Use ChatGPT for a Solid Starting Point

    When starting from scratch feels daunting, let ChatGPT assist you in drafting an initial version. It’s a game-changer, providing you with a solid base to revise and improve.

  5. Use the comment function on Google Docs

    Got a sentence or a paragraph that’s a bit off but don’t have time to edit now? Use Google Docs’ comment feature to leave yourself a note: “Fix this when I’m more awake and brilliant.” It’s a pragmatic way to remind yourself to come back for revisions.

    This will train your brain to trust that it’s okay to have something not be perfect right away—and serve as a practical reminder to come back and make the revision once you have clarity of mind. (And more sleep.)

  6. Change the location. 

    Seriously! Writing— whether an email, social caption, or an actual book— is creative work that is often done in one position: sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Get up and move your body to get the creative juices flowing, and find a new location that inspires you. This could be a coffee shop, a quiet office, or even on the floor of your bathroom. (Been there, done that!)

  7. Read something by a really good writer

    Pick up a book or read an article by a writer you admire. Watch your favorite comedian and take notes on their craft. This process helps jostle your brain in the right way — without comparison fatigue. I have a few authors I always refer back to as my North Star — they are writers whose values and style match the ones I have and want to emulate. For me, it’s Kelly Corrigan, Seth Godin, and Brene Brown. For you, it could be a coach in your space or a comedian you love.

Because your email list isn’t going to wait until you get the mojo to write, and your audience has plenty of other choices when it comes to your product or service.

Let’s make sure they hear from you. 

Clear eyes, crappy first draft, can’t lose. ⁠


Work with me

hey, i'm corrie!

I help people-driven companies, large and small, connect with their kind of people with brand voice strategy + personalized copy. A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, I love getting to champion the best version of your brand. 

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