
From case studies, copywriting tips, to personal notes, this is where connection starts. 

     A few months ago we got a text from an old friend asking us if they could give us a song. We were confused, but we hopped on the call with him to learn more. These friends are musicians. They spend their life devoted to the craft, committed to the art, both in […]

Photo by Kami Arant Early on in California’s Shelter in Place– you know, right after Tom Hanks contracted COVID-19 and many of us finally realized it was a thing we should pay attention to– I had a call with one of my clients about how and if to adjust the content. As a wedding photographer, […]

I already know I will talk to my therapist about the grocery store.  Months from now, when we’re dealing with the aftermath and not the slow and overwhelming early days of the Coronavirus pandemic, I will wrap my head around the feeling of walking into the grocery store and not be able to find bread, […]

This year I’m trying to use LESS technology in my classes in effort to have more hands-on, interactive face time with each other.  So a few months ago I had a doodle prompt for my students that asked them to jot down something they’ve learned in the news and where they learned it from. They […]

On Monday morning I stood at the door and welcomed kids into my class while they gave me their condolences. That afternoon I sat down in the admin conference room with my principal to finish up a big grant proposal and before we got going he paused at his computer and asked, “Are you okay?” […]

As a high school teacher, talking with my students about school shootings is one of the hardest subjects I have to cover. I never know what to say, or if I should say anything at all.  I didn’t say anything about Parkland for two weeks. I stood in front of my students day in and […]

It started on senior ditch day. On the day after Halloween in 2016, my partner in crime, Sarah Hunter, and I needed to finish building curriculum for the last three days of the trimester, including the final exam. We were trying to figure out something significant to do for our 12th graders in our senior […]

There’s a constant hum in my head in everything I do. While I’m chopping carrots and sweet potatoes. While I’m sitting in the backyard watching Will play. When I have 10 minutes to get 30 minutes worth of work done. It’s the airplane taking off, MacBook is about to die, all-encompassing, steady, consistent hum of […]

A few months ago, we went to visit my in-laws in Thousand Oaks. Whenever we’re there, we relish in the clean everything, the stocked fridge, and the backyard my father-in-law could stage for Better Homes and Gardens. We take naps on the swing, watch Will play catch on the grass, enjoy everything my mother-in-law cooks, […]

March 26th, 2019: 4:57 p.m. It started over laundry. For some reason, I knew in my spirit that Ben would arrive earlier than his due date. I had this sense that I needed to take a bit more time off before the date on my doctor’s calendar because I knew I needed time and space […]

Want to connect with the right audience? Me, too

Corrie is a copywriter and marketing thought partner who gets to help entrepreneurs own their voice and clarify their messaging so they connect with more of the right people.

A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, she loves getting to champion the best version of people. 

Free video training

3 reasons your website isn’t converting and how to fix it

In this short and sweet video, I show quick fixes you can make to your website— including examples from three small businesses. If your website makes you feel ehhhh, then stop reading and click right here: