March 26th, 2019: 4:57 p.m. It started over laundry. For some reason, I knew in my spirit that Ben would arrive earlier than his due date. I had this sense that I needed to take a bit more time off before the date on my doctor’s calendar because I knew I needed time and space […]
Like so many parents these days, I often spend a few minutes scrolling through old photos of Will right before I go to bed. Wrapped in covers before I drift off to sleep, I want one more dose of goodness, one more reminder of the best parts of life. I do this especially around Will’s […]
When I get home late and miss bedtime, hear about something sad or am just feeling in over my head, I step inside Will’s room at night and stand at his door as the light from the bathroom shines in just enough that I can see all of his face, his puffy cheeks, his chubby […]
Photo Credit: Rian Otto Ever since I became a parent I’ve looked at my students in a new way. When I was pregnant with Will, my friend and colleague, Shannon, said this would be true. I didn’t quite believe her until it happened. The thing is, I have always loved my students. I thought about […]
Photo by the amazing Brandon Peterson. Once the grades are submitted and I’ve turned in the yellow checkout list to our administrative assistant, I am a stay at home mom. I am a full-time mom all year round, but when my students exit the building for the summer, my day-to-day looks very different. For two […]
Corrie is a copywriter and marketing thought partner who gets to help entrepreneurs own their voice and clarify their messaging so they connect with more of the right people.
A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, she loves getting to champion the best version of people.
In this short and sweet video, I show quick fixes you can make to your website— including examples from three small businesses. If your website makes you feel ehhhh, then stop reading and click right here: