
From case studies, copywriting tips, to personal notes, this is where connection starts. 

I already know I will talk to my therapist about the grocery store.  Months from now, when we’re dealing with the aftermath and not the slow and overwhelming early days of the Coronavirus pandemic, I will wrap my head around the feeling of walking into the grocery store and not be able to find bread, […]

On Monday morning I stood at the door and welcomed kids into my class while they gave me their condolences. That afternoon I sat down in the admin conference room with my principal to finish up a big grant proposal and before we got going he paused at his computer and asked, “Are you okay?” […]

There’s a constant hum in my head in everything I do. While I’m chopping carrots and sweet potatoes. While I’m sitting in the backyard watching Will play. When I have 10 minutes to get 30 minutes worth of work done. It’s the airplane taking off, MacBook is about to die, all-encompassing, steady, consistent hum of […]

Want to connect with the right audience? Me, too

Corrie is a copywriter and marketing thought partner who gets to help entrepreneurs own their voice and clarify their messaging so they connect with more of the right people.

A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, she loves getting to champion the best version of people. 

Free video training

3 reasons your website isn’t converting and how to fix it

In this short and sweet video, I show quick fixes you can make to your website— including examples from three small businesses. If your website makes you feel ehhhh, then stop reading and click right here: