
From case studies, copywriting tips, to personal notes, this is where connection starts. 

Photo by the amazing Brandon Peterson. Once the grades are submitted and I’ve turned in the yellow checkout list to our administrative assistant, I am a stay at home mom. I am a full-time mom all year round, but when my students exit the building for the summer, my day-to-day looks very different. For two […]

Want to connect with the right audience? Me, too

Corrie is a copywriter and marketing thought partner who gets to help entrepreneurs own their voice and clarify their messaging so they connect with more of the right people.

A believer in public schools and Ted Lasso, she loves getting to champion the best version of people. 

Free video training

3 reasons your website isn’t converting and how to fix it

In this short and sweet video, I show quick fixes you can make to your website— including examples from three small businesses. If your website makes you feel ehhhh, then stop reading and click right here: