Get excited to send people your website

…with messaging that speaks to you and the right people.

Join the waitlist for Website Classroom

A 6-week done-with-you website copywriting course for service providers, coaches, membership-havers, and other non-copywriters who want to have clear messaging and juuuuust the right amount of personality. 

This is perfect for:

  • Solo entrepreneurs who need to update their copy in a strategic, personality-filled way 

  • Assistants who get tasked to “update the home page” for their clients or boss and have NO CLUE where the right copy *should* go

  • Designers who want to better understand the strategy behind the layout of the copy — and help their clients with their conversions

Update your website copy with guidance and feedback that sticks. 

If “update my website copy” is on your list for 2024, sign up to be the first to hear about it—and snag an early bird bonus along with it.